Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Once again...

This would be the fourth time that I've started a blog. Each of the other blogs either end up deleted or abandoned. Turns out that whatever that I had planned for the blog at first, be it a movie review, a place where I put my anecdotes or just somewhere to vent, I just end up writing about the same subject, which was my observation of my colleagues or myself. Sometimes the views are a bit twisted but there's no helping that, since I've always been a pretty negative sorta thinker so given any situation, I could easily think up the worst possible scenario easily hahah. Even so, I try to think positive when it comes to people, although I do have to admit most of the time it does fall short =p.

It's not really that much of a hassle for me to blog actually, since most of the time there are a lot of things that are constantly churning in my head. Are they thoughts of intellectual material? I've no idea really, why don't you tell me. I don't crave for comments or need it to be read, for me it's just a place where they could go into writing and take the burden off my noggin'.

It is easy enough to think that when the subject that you talk about is yourself, then there is a serious case of self-absorbness in the head of the writer/speaker =P this might be the case when I do talk about myself, but being the frank person that I sometimes manage to be at times, I don't really compliment myself all the time. I believe that a person has to know theirself to be able to know everything else. I don't say understand here because I don't think even I understand myself. As every other human being though, I find the process of trying to a bit intriguing. Oh, we all know that it's not gonna give any visible result but it's still intriguing all the same, yes? ;)

posted by Elman @ 3:16 AM  
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Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
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