Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Monday, November 07, 2005
When a person has a different view about you than what you yourself have, do you think that it's a misconception on their part? Do you think whatever the image of you that they have projected is wrong? I suppose this has long been one of the most important thoughts that plague the minds of people seeking acceptance(ie. teenagers). In fact, I think it's still goes on as you get on with life but on a different level. I wouldn't know anything past early twenties though but so far from my observation, that has been the case.

There must have been things that you have done that warrant that image of yourself. I just embrace whatever they want to "chop" me as. I may not agree, not totally, but they usually have to base their opinions on something. People like to judge, you can't begrudge them that. Most are so keen on doing that that if they can't put people into their respective categories I think they'd pull their hair out or something.

People wear masks, they have a mask for almost every occasion. In most cases, it's not really right to call it hypocritical though. I'd call it adapting. If you were tossed into a classroom full of nerds do you start raving on about the latest fashion and trends with the nearest person? I think not. Would you call it hypocritical of yourself to do so? I bet you don't. So I guess there is a possibity that people were judging you based on the "mask" that you were wearing at the time(Btw, this whole line of reasoning is applied to people in general, I'm not defending any acts of hypocrisy at all).

I do admit that it is easy enough for to adapt to people if I'm in the mood for it. Actually, even though I adapt pretty easily, most of the time I don't really change how I act. Or do I? Self-judging is such a biased thing.
posted by Elman @ 4:33 PM  
  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger ahnali said…

    judging peeps is something tht we often do..i do tht too..but..i tend to get to know others first b4 i further judge them wrongly..
    adaptation is a normal process..those who cant adapt will find it extra difficult to survive in this world..for example..
    once,staphylococcus aureus was not resistant to penicillin..but due to wide usage of penicillin..staph aureus as well as a few other bacterias r becoming resistant towards penicillin..
    ape aa orang merepek ni..

  • At 10:49 PM, Blogger Aimi Jaafar said…

    judging peeps.. hmm
    i hate it when people chopp me.. huhh..what rights do they think they have??
    but i cant say i dont do the same thing..

    hehehe.. so what you said bout that first impression thingy is quite interesting laaaa!!


  • At 2:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    'adapting'.well said,dude..

  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger Suriya said…

    Haaa welcome to blogging yet again!

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Suriya said…

    I do not see it as wearing a mask really. I can be with all kinds of people and they will accept me as one of them. We are present to who they are, tune in to their vibes and focus on topics that they are discussing while at the same time we are still ourselves. In this way not only do they accept us, but they get interested in who we are and what we say and I would like it to be that I am a positive influence on them. I am however still uncomfortable with some groups, especially if they have disorderly energy and are too focussed on materialism.

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