Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
New batteries, new post ;)
It's now a week past Raya already. Yea, it's prolly a bit late for me to talk about it but then again, it's best to talk about stuff once all the hype and celebratory mood has all but gone away, yes? Self-preference I suppose.

I had a lotta fun this Raya. There wasn't a lot of drama compared to our past year Rayas I'm glad enough to say =P Other than Hana not around and Nenek was sick, it wasn't bad, albeit a bit short. I actually had Raya pictures this year too! hahah well, I usually don't like getting my picture taken. Like when my sister got married, other than the family portrait, there was only 1 picture of me and it was me sweatily carrying some trays or something! Talk about unphotogenic. I like totally flipped this Raya though. Even competed with my photogenic self-portrait snapping lil sis hah.

This Raya wasn't actually drama free though, I haven't gotten past a drama free one for years now hahah. We had a lil of a stand-off with some rude storekeepers. It's the first time that I've actually been that furious with anyone in more than 2 years. Don't really know what triggered me off though. In the past 2 years plus I've been punched, spit, slapped, yelled at, rear-ended, insulted and prolly some other stuff that I've forgotten but not once was I that furious, most of the time I either laugh or shrug it off. Weird eh?

Owh and we went to Borders book store! It's prolly my fave book store now. There were 6 rows of fantasy fiction books! That's more than Kinokuniya. Finished off all my duit raya also hah. Hobb's book alone was rm120 =P Was well worth it though. I'm usually a very critical person. I could easily find fault in almost anything and that includes the authors that I read. I'll note off a few of the authors that comes to mind:
  • Robert Jordan - Long-winded and unreal characters. Knows how to make a good plot thought. Still one of my fave authors tho.
  • Michelle West - Good plot but sucky writing. It's easy enough to get confused on who is talking at the time and it happens a lot.
  • J.V Jones - She really knows how to gross people out. believe me.
  • J.K Rowling - the Potter books are good. It's not that great compared to the hype that it gets though. Spoils the mood fer me. Not to mention that the latest book was short. I finished it in like 12 hours after I bought it!
  • and the list goes on and on.
Now I couldn't actually find stuff to criticise on Robin Hobb's writing. I mean look at her latest book. The story is about a soldier lord's son who was sent to a military academy and the plot rotates on the guy going to classes, getting bullied and having some really really bad dreams. Sounds dreadfully dull ain't it? How the heck does Hobb turn that kinda plot into something that I couldn't put down? Beats me.

My downloading habit has taken on a new twist also lately. I've been downloading e-books hahah. Well, now I could actually read from authors that I usually don't intend to buy their works and also old old works. I now have enough e-books to last me 5 years. prolly more -_-. that is if I could stand reading em for too long. I get radiated by the monitor enough as it is, don't really need the extra hours from reading from em ;p

p/s: after getting a taste of streamyx and the instant popping of websites I am now back to gprs-based connection and 5 minutes to load every single page. That doesn't count the ones that has songs and videos in it. To sum it up, it sucks!
posted by Elman @ 9:40 AM  
  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger Suriya said…

    Haaa Man you can be a writer of this genre of books since you are a connoisseur of fantasy fiction...

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger Elman said…

    tak bleh la maa, I can't really link the words to make interesting writings. plus i'm too left-brained :P

  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger ahnali said…

    oh my...i'm really looking forward to read robin hobb's latest book!!

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Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
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