Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Monday, January 09, 2006
clay-like minds
Everyone wants to be considered as wise. Wisdom hoever is not easily earned. I think that most people would agree that usually wisdom comes from experience and age. Am I wise? I certainly am not. Any wisdom I have is gained from the same source as most people from my generation got it, television, music and books.

I admit, I've been exposed to the myriads of influence that the so called western-culture form a very young age. The fantasy books that I started reading when I was 9 years old features various groups of gods warring with each other and people from each of their gods defending their faith through horrendous acts and so on and so forth. Can you imagine what effect this could have had on an impressionable 9 year old? Well, luckily for me, around that time also that I was so very into the stories of the Prophets and the Sahabats.

Speaking of the effect of television on impressionable minds, I watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose the other day. It is slightly scarier than the usual horror flicks I suppose although the driving force of the movie was more of a spiritual nature. It could be considered as a normal exorcist-genre flick if not for 5 words at the start of the show "Based on a true story". With just these 5 words, in my opinion, the story was less of a horror flick, more of a religious one. It didn't leave much imprint on me but I wonder how it would be on more a impressionable audience, like teenagers for instance.

One of my favourite series is Six Feet Under. IMO it's one of the most twisted tv series ever, not because of the characters, plots or actions, but in the way that it blatantly pictures real life and the reality that comes with it. For people who are unfamiliar with the series, the story revolves around a family that lives in a funeral home and growing up in a house where people bring their dead to, they end up constantly keeping their feelings in check, at first to not impose on the grieving familes but later on, carries forward to their own relationships between each other and others. The story is a bit disturbing with the gay-kissing scenes and such so it's not really a recommendation for the easily disturbed.
posted by Elman @ 6:29 PM  
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Name:Elman J
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