Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

When I start to think about it, I realize that a whole lot of my life has been a series of almosts and not quites. It's like I want to do something perfectly but when I know it's not possible I just stop doing it so in the end it becomes "almost finished" or "not quite good enough". I suppose if you look at the end results of most of em you won't think that there's something wrong, but when it all adds up it sorta makes me feel like a failure a bit.

Well, let's see, I suppose I'll start with my education. For all my major exams, UPSR, PMR and SPM, they're all not quite good enough even though I know my potential is a lot better than what I got.

My personality and traits are usually almost and not quite too. I'm not quite that good a person and not quite that bad also. When I interact with ppl, I'm not quite that nice but I'm also not that mean. If I tease someone (I only tease ppl I'm close with btw), I'll tease em till almost their limits but not quite going overboard. Nobody has ever exploded with me on that even though when I tease ppl, I do think I get quite extreme.

I'm not quite that generous but I'm not quite that stingy even. I'm almost a good driver. I'm not quite a geek, cool, bad tempered, patient, funny, fat, healthy, sick, and the list goes on. I almost finish a lot of games, once I stopped playing a game that I spent like 40 hours on when the endgame is only half an hour's game time left. Games aren't the only things either, sometimes when I do a project such as video editing, I stop halfway coz I get bored of it or something like that.

posted by Elman @ 4:52 AM  
  • At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aiman, you write on so many interesting topics - topics I wish many of our young bloggers would care to read and give their sincere, honest comments. Personally, I feel that I can just sit down for hours just talking to you on all those issues you've raised recently. (I thought I need to let you know about that ;))
    I'm so busy right now. Got to rush to school sekejap lagi to get my son's UPSR results. I hope the results would be good. I will let you know later.
    I will give my comments to this entry later.
    p/s: By the way, you are GOOD with your entries and at expressing your ideas and thoughts. And, DONT ever think that is not good enough !!!

  • At 1:19 PM, Blogger Elman said…

    Thanks for the compliment :)
    I don't really think that I raise topics that are that engrossing. Though I've always been somewhat reluctant to voice out my thoughts usually, being the un-serious type that i am IRL hah.
    Hope your son get good results btw!

  • At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alhamdulillah, my son got 5A's !!!
    I've got to rush for a meeting now.
    My comments later okay ...

  • At 2:51 PM, Blogger Suriya said…

    Congrats Pycno! Now we have to wait for the 2 two son's results!

  • At 2:57 PM, Blogger Suriya said…

    Could be you are a perfectionist at heart .The way out of this however is to get over the slack time that makes you quit. It is well known in sports and is called the second wind. People who work hard all know this, you have to pull through the worse of the boredom the doubts etc to get to the end.
    As for the being on the middle road for many things..actually the Prophet SAW talks about the middle road and, we are the ummatan wusta, the middle nation

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Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
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