Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Monday, November 28, 2005
Freedom! (for a short while anyways)
Finals are done and surprisingly, I didn't do as badly as I thought considering that this is the most strenous stretch of finals that I've ploughed through in all my years at UTM. Between papers a couple of friends and me had to finish up an assignment that was supposed to be passed on before it's test. So our gang Gemilang(was our theme song during the intense period of doing the assignment) finished a 2 month project in the period of a week(go go procrastination!). I felt like a robot, whenever it was my shift to sleep(yes we worked in shifts where a person slept and the other 2 tooled on) I had dreams of coding and hardware designs. Not to mention out of the 3 I was the only person who understood the whole concept of the CPU(we were designing a 13 instruction CPU) so after waking up I had to repair whatever damages that was wrought during my period of refreshment. It was a hell of a week. On the bright side though, I didn't have to study much at all for the paper since the workings of the CPU was etched forever in my brain(considering that I even dream about it, that's not really a surprise is it?) Every cloud has a silver lining eh?

Watched Potter before the grueling period began, was ok I suppose. I've stopped expecting much from hyped up movies a long time ago. I guess when you don't expect much, every simple thing is enjoyable ;) Actually, I don't really expect much from anything much at all, not just movies. If I don't get a birthday present, I don't really mind(much) since I got better stuff than petty toys from my parents(though I do admit that I used the birthday card a lot when I was younger for big big stuff, uhh like an exercise machine and PS2 long before my birthday comes to even). If I asked someone to go to movies and they say no, I'm usually ok with that since I don't really expect a yes answer most of the time. Although I do get very cross when someone breaks an appointment with me. When you've given your word then I expect it to be met. That's why I usually don't plan stuff ahead much, going somewhere on whims means I don't have to rely on other people meeting their word for long, just a few hours beforehand. Sounds like a very untrusting person don't I? On the contrary though, I trust people until they lie or break their promises to me, so I suppose I just don't want to not trust people.

Owh and I've just finished reading the Well of Echoes quartet by Ian Irvine. Not a bad book IMO, in the span of 4 books the writer managed to turn bad guys into good guys and good guys into bad guys and into good guys again and all the while maintaining a quite engrossing plot. An up and coming writer and to top it off, he delivers new books faster than the other authors that I'm used to. Although I do have to point that being a quartet, the story has to end at book 4 doesn't it, not continue in another novella ><

There are a lot of things that I plan to do this holiday period, we'll see whether they all get completed though. I plan to start working on a new software for my mom's clinic, not a complicated thing I suppose since I'm only using Visual Basic 6 and I also got a database software that my friend has been working on to refer to. It's a pretty good software considering that his lecturer is selling it for RM20k(only thing my friend got out of being a slave was an A for a 2 credit subject. By slave meaning working on the software every free minute that he has, even between final papers. ah well, an A is an A right?) There are a bunch of stuff I plan on watching at home too :P Work during the holidays? never crossed my mind. It's only a month long and not many places take people up for a month anyways. Hopefully, I'm gonna be working full-time in about 6 months anyways right?
posted by Elman @ 7:01 PM  
  • At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Here's wishing you GEMILANG days ahead......!!!!

  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger ahnali said…

    igt ur date with me bulan 2 kang!! muahahaha

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Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
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