Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Didn't get much sleep last nite. Got to bed at 1am and couldn't sleep a wink past 6. Got something on my mind huhuh. For anyone who knows me that's saying a lot, coz nothing much fazes me and for something to stick in my head up to the point of making me unable to sleep it must be something.

I think I'm setting some kinda record today. It's past lunch hour atm and so far I've spoken a total of 3 lines. Well, 4 if you count "hey" as a line. Think I'm gonna try to see if I can get through the day with less than 10 lines.

I've been busy at work... busy not doing any work and reading web comics I mean. Yesterday I had to stay in the office til 730pm. Figures that I didn't have any work at all during the day then the vendor guy could only come at 7pm.

I'm never much for giving gifts. I like giving em, but I only give stuff that I think I would like. I have pretty expensive tastes though, so giving gifts are expensive to to me that's why I don't do it often. I like jewelries, bangles, necklaces etc. Not for wearing em though, but I like em. I hate plushies, if I give people plushies it prolly means I ran outta ideas. I like books, but not many people like books as gifts. I like artsy stuff, like pictures, crafts, you know, but the nice ones are too expensive so, meh. btw, if I ever want a gift, it'll be this http://sumolounge.com/omni.shtml, daym that thing is cool.

I wonder, how is it that people who drive cars in KL everyday still don't get the mentality of city driving? I mean, like there's always a congestion right before a toll in the morning right? and still there are people who roll down their windows just to wave the car beside him to let him cut in, like, come on man, everyone wants to squeeze in,wave however much you want you're still not getting in unless you can cut in. Then there are the ones who wants to get out of junction where both sides of road is moving slowly and he still waits for both sides to clear before going out. Um... just go outta the junction and the cars will stop ya know... it's not like theyre moving faster than 10kmph anyways.

Notice in thriller and horror movies how when people come into their houses they never turn on their lights right away? They always move in the dark and then bad things happen? Well, I used to think it's kinda stupid. Like do people really go into their dark houses and dont automatically turn their lights on? Now though, I notice that I do that all the time. Whenever I get back, I take the shoes off, empty my pockets, change my clothes, and then only would I turn on the lights, and that's only because I need lights to take off my lenses.

Hmm... I seem to be jumping topics today.
posted by Elman @ 12:49 PM  
  • At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    saje nyibuk, a fren once told me its impossible to not to talk at all in one day, he tried once just staying in his room i think but stil ended up talking to himself LOL. donc ur only few lines in the presence of ppl sounds hebaT jugak lah :P u working in wut svc company ni that lets the staff goyang kaki jek reading comics sounds alluring when myself dun hv enuff time to do my work atm huhu. btw, the beanbag is COOL!

  • At 10:16 AM, Blogger Elman said…

    i'm with the IT section at motorola PJ HQ. it's sorta a reactive kinda work so if there's no problems then I have no work, which is most of the time. o yeah, ima grab tat beanie as soon as they have em in malaysia. 600bux for a sofa? pfft, get a sumo beanie instead

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Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
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