Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Friday, November 24, 2006
trust no one
Funny isn't it how the old virtues also become outdated in our so callled modern world. Take for instance, trust. Trust is now synonymous with gullibility. If you trust people easily, then yeah, you're gullible. I'm gullible. Even when I know someone is lying to me I usually trust them. I trust that they'd have a reason to lie. Not everyone who lies does so with ill intent.
Humility is another virtue that's not found nowadays. I admit that I don't have much of humility in me. Humble people are usually thought of to be kinda low in self esteem. I don't think that way but even so I still don't feel like trying to imprint humbleness in me. To compensate for that though, I have respect for people. Even if I hate someone I'd still have respect for them, not a lot but there should still be some. I respect my superior but I don't feel humble when I'm with him, kinda like that lar.
Now I don't wanna move on to the rest of the virtues and stuff. Then I'd have to talk about honor, and then gentlemanness since they're both are somehow related. Being a gentleman is usually a facade now, it's got no honor in it, it's just a tool to pick up girls. Tis the truth I tell ya. O snap, I better stop before I start ranting.
posted by Elman @ 9:56 AM  
  • At 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i know a guy who will only be gentleman with certain people~ nanka kimochi warui desu ne.. tsk2..

  • At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mnyibuk lagi but beg to differ, think i know at least 1 genuine gentleman. so stil exist-lah, albeit rare. maybe low profile n disguised, biase la payah nk jumpa the gems, tu yg precious kan hehe. agree w the funny thing how gud ole virtues cud be perceived so differently in society now, heard ppl say very scary to bring up children in this environment, hehe. but alas we should try best to not be much bothered by mere human views but to strive always to do right as in His wants. easier said than done ek! :) may we all be blessed nways, amiin..

  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger Elman said…

    well, i did say "usually a facade" :P i know there are true gents around still, but seing as they are true gents, they don't advertise themselves so it's really hard to find em. watch bond, that is a true gent. most guys nowadays act the gent to get the girl, while bond is a gent.The fact that he always gets the girls is just a plus.

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