First of all, I have to express my deepest apologies for being so long absent from this blogging activity. I have been somewhat occupied. Seeing that previously I have always been blogging when I am absolutely dead bored. I currently have no time to be dead bored, especially at work.
Work has been somewhat.... different than what I'm used to. I have been taking calls for sometime now. About one and a half months to be exact. Within that short a time period I've talked to a whole bunch of different people already. Most of them not really nice experiences to relate. I've talked with the totally clueless, the arrogant but clueless ones, the nice but exasperating ones, the ones that don't really want you to help them but expects you to nonetheless and the list just goes on and on.
One of my biggest pet peeves has always been rude people. If someone is rude in front of me I sometimes just feel like smacking them. One time I almost got a complaint because I cannot stand the person until I also became rude.
It was sorta an assortments of things that made it such a bad call for me I suppose. For one thing, the guy's english was terrible and I had problems understanding him so I had to ask him to repeat a few times just to verify his machine serial number and even then he didn't want to co-operate. He even made bad jokes asking me why I want to know. Fact is, he knows his machine was out of warranty and he is not eligible for any phone support. So he just wanted to skip the part where I key in the details of his machine and go straight to the troubleshooting part. I got fed up and told him that his machine is not eligible for support, just check the website for info.
Then the fella went all pissy at me and him started talking in chinese with his mom behind him. He wanted to report me and stuff so I just told him to wait. I put him on hold, took long deep breathes and talked back to fella. Informing him if he wants to complain, send an email to the feedback address and be sure to put my name there. I spelled it out one by one for him twice. I even sarcastically asked him "do you want me to repeat that again sir? did you get it correctly?". After that I still told him I would help him troubleshoot his machine tho. Although at the end of it when he said he still wants to complain me, I retorted with "Ok, thanks you sir!" and end the conversation.
I never found out if he filed a complaint or not. Even if he did, his machine is out of warranty and we weren't supposed to support him anyways. Usually, I do support those people still tho, since they know their machine is out of warranty so they act all nice when asking for help. My team lead played back the recording of when I talked to the customer, and even I was surprised at how rude I was. Thankfully I've managed to somewhat handle rude customers now. Hopefully I can get better at it. |