Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I was tagged sometime ago but I was just too lazy to do it lah. Anyways, it goes.

Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things/fetish about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
  1. I don't like to eat fish. I do however love to eat stingrays and ikan keli. As well as any other fishes that doesn't actually look like a fish once it's been cooked.
  2. I talk to myself all the time. Whenever I go somewhere that I am alone(bathroom for example), expect to see me going out talking to myself which I usually cover up by singing some random song.
  3. I have played so many games which I abandon right before finishing it. Sometimes I know that it would only take like an hour or so but I still don't have the interest to finish it.
  4. I think or plan too much before doing or buying something but when I get impulsive I get somewhat scary. One thing my friends learned, never to ask me to do something crazy unless they really mean it. By crazy, it doesn't mean doing something dangerous btw. Well, not physically dangerous. Just emotionally etc.
  5. I am as clumsy as a bycicle with square tires. For real. I fell from the roof once with a parang in 1 hand and the only thing that saved me from a broken back is coz I hit a bookshelf on the way down and that reduced the impact. I've also hit a glass door, teeth first one time.... I'm pretty sure my nose is ahead of my teeth btw, just not so sure how that came to happen.
  6. I sleep with 5 pillows.... 1 or 2 for the head, 1 to hug with my arms, 1 to hug with my legs, 1 on top of the head, sometimes I like a couple I can put under the legs also. Need more pillows imo

posted by Elman @ 3:44 PM   4 comments
Friday, April 06, 2007
I want to sleep!
I haven't been able to get much sleep a couple days past. Kept waking up in the middle of the night for no reason. So I went to work yesterday feeling very sleepy. I don't know why but it seems like ever since I said that I wanted to leave this job I keep getting swamped by so much stuff to do. I barely had enough time to sit down yesterday so even though I was pretty tired I didn't get to dwell on it. That is until I got into the car to go back home. I was nodding off in the car every 5 mins! It was pretty dangerous I tell you. Being so tired, I couldn't even rationally tell myself to stop over and sleep or something. I haven't nodded off in the car while driving for years I think. So anyways, I was driving and trying to stay awake by maxing out the volume of the radio. It went sorta well, til I reached this traffic light just before my apartment... where I literally fell asleep. I didn't hear any horns blaring or anything since I had the music on very loudly nothing else was coming in but the whole road in front of me was clear by the time I woke up, and that was almost 100 meters worth of traffic.

I've been in this place for almost half a year and me being me, I don't really get close with poeple fast. I spend more time hanging around and talking with the kakaks in the office than the abangs tho. Guess it's still easier for me to make female friends rather than guy friends. One of them even told me I've this "buddy-buddy" look. It's nice tho to get free breakfasts and food to bring back home for dinner etc :P

I noticed a few things while working here. It seems that most guys will put the names of their wives as their password, with numbers from their marriage year or anniversary or something. While women usually put the names of their kids' as the password, with the dates associated with them. Single guys would put gibberish, like iron maiden and what not. It goes differently for wallpapers. Guys would either put the stuff that they like like cars etc or nothing at all as the wallpaper. While for women, if it's not pics of their kids they would put up either sceneries or some hot female models.

Before, I figured that if i proposed a simple questing that warrants a yes or no answer, the only possible way to answer it would be around 4 ways ;yes, no, maybe and I don't know. I was just proven wrong when I was given an answer that was so vague that it's like "all of the above and none of it!". I am so confuzzled.
posted by Elman @ 11:14 AM  

About Me
Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
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