I'm so tired. Just got back from KL. I've walked more in the past 3 days than the whole month combined, easily. My feet are aching, and I was so tired that I couldn't even sleep last night huhuh.
So why was I so tired? Well, first of all, I knew I had to drive my mom off to her talk thingy on Saturday mornin, but due to the fact that my sister took the air-cond remote, my room was swelteringly hot(kakak bulat!). Give me any other condition and I'd have no prob sleeping, but heat is a big no no. In the end, I slept close to 4am on the living room couch huhuh. Woke up at 7am and even after my mom worrying that we'd be late, we still got there half an hour early heheh.
The rest of my time in KL was sorta a big blur. Spent the whole Saturday at OU, from 10am til 5pm. Watched a movie, walked around a lot, and dozing off at Coffee Bean while watching the doggies in the pet shop heheh. Then Sunday my mom and me went around Low Yat Plaza to buy some stuff before she went to KLIA to send off my BIL to Indonesia. I spent the rest of the day at Times Square chatting with an old bud before going to Cheras so chill with another bud who then brought me back to Times Square coz he wants to see Kong -_- We didn't get to watch if, that night I slept at his house aje since I'd rather not bug my bro at the apartment while he's busy right now.
Watched Kong on IMAX on Monday with another friend. That's another day spend walking around Times Square huhuh. Just as I was planning to go back to Malacca, another friend called me and said that he was staying at the Residence Hotel in Uniten with another friend. So off I go to Bangi and slept there(they promised me free food and lodging, who could resist eh?)
So now it's Tuesday and I'm back at home with throbbing feet and jaws cracking from too much yawning. I'm tired, gonna get some shuteye.