I like to think myself as a patient man. However, sometimes when I want something, I just can't make to make myself wait. I thought I'm sorta pass this since I haven't done it in awhiles, but the other day, I looked at this add int he papers and was interested in the advertised product. Yesterday morning, I opened up a video of the thing and it was so cuuute! I straight away went to OU on my lunch break and bought it. Fikir panjang? nope, didn't even second guess myself like I usually do. Good thing it wasn't really something for me though. I'll bring it back home this weekend I guess.
Last night, after the umpteenth time my router crashed on me, I figured it was time that I went out and buy a trustworthy router. Something with QoS so that I could configure it so that it would let my housies use the internet while letting me hog the bandwidth for WoW purposes. Using my current setup, sometimes I would directly plug my cable to the modem while skipping the router coz I needed the bandwidth, but considering that they're all paying for the DSL subscription also, I don't think it's fair. So during lunch break today, I went to the Curve to buy a DSL router. Yay for impetous buying decisions. Haven't gotten the router yet tho since it's out of stock. I will get it soon tho! Won't be able to sleep at night til I get it.
Last weekend I had a slightly more activity than my usual weekends. At first, I spent the Saturday at home waiting for my sis who recently returned from India to call me and tell me when she arrives in KL. Around 3pm tho, one of my housies called me and asked for my help. Turns out that while he was being lectured by his bro-in-law about changing his tyres, his tyre exploded. So I went to the Serdang R&R to see how it was. He was there with his sister, her husband and 2 babies. They were going to KL to buy his engagement ring. I let them use my car since his spare tyre wasn't exactly in much better condition than the now strip of rubber lying by the side of the highway tyre even though it would cripple me and I prolly couldn't meet up with my sis. but hey, I can always see my sister next week or something but letting a family go around in a time-bomb? no wai would I let that be.
On Sunday I went to watch 300 with my buds. It was a pretty cool flick. Awesome in fact. Other than the part where all the guys walk around wearing leather britches most of the time... and I thought Troy was bad enough. |