Dirt on the hands
Every single thing that we do are like dirt on our hands. It may not show, but it's there. At the end of the day, when the hands are washed and dried up, was getting our hands dirty worth the while? or were they just stains that needed to be washed out as soon as possible and be forgotten?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I be discharged!
Ok so my mum (the torturer) pointed out that in my earlier post I just mentioned the 2 minutes of intense pain that I went through but didn't say a peep about the hours on end she tried to help me. Aww you know I appreciate and love you ma. Thanks for the heals and such <3 ehehehe

Ok so for my first entry into the warded community of sick people, it was pretty uneventful. Other than the fact that everyone thinks I'm between 18-22! Yes! I knew I wasn't delusional!

Well I got admitted on Friday, got checked up by these 2 doctors. One of em seems in need of a shave. You know when a guy's beard/moustache area seems much darker than the area surrounding coz the beard has started to grown in again? Well, I'm sorta hairless so I only get that patched look after 2 or 3 days of no shaving. Well this doctor obviously need a shave, and I bet she just shaved that morning. yes...SHE!

Later that day I did some physio thing where they heated up my spine or something. The girl doing the physio thing started asking me questions.

Physio girl : Sekolah dekat mana?
Me : Hmm.. dah keje dah
Physio girl : Keje? Yeke? Umur berape?
Me : 26
Physio girl : Oooo... (this girl was seriously shocked, I mean, I know I look young and all...)
Me : Apsal? nampak tue dari 26 ke muda?
Physio girl : Takde, saya ingat 18 or 19 camtu.

Later she asked her physio partner to guess my age. He guessed 22. Later on there was some makcik, asking me which college I go to and I think another one asked me which school I go to. So it's not a myth ok! I really do look young!

So the Racking thing. Well, it's not as bad as I though I suppose. Basically they just lie me down on the bed, then strap on this belt thingy which is then tied to some weights. So this contraption basically pulls on me spine so that any swelling around the nerve is able to heal or something.

I was bored as hell though. Didn't bring a book that I wanted to read. Didn't bring my psp coz I gave my sister to use. I don't have any iPod-like thingy to listen to music. I had my phone though which I was able to use for chatting and stuff, but my friends seemed busy or something. So I spent the whole time sleeping. I've never had so much sleep in my life! Oh and food sucked!
posted by Elman @ 12:56 PM   5 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I still feel like an old old man

Now where was I...oh yea, after the x-ray.

So the doc game me some painkillers and said pain should subside after an hour...nope. no diff after an hour. So he gave me a painkiller shot on my ass...nope no diff as well. Didn't even feel the needle jab coz the pain on my leg was distracting me. Oh well, screw painkillers. I'll just hop and limp my way around, not like I'm going to go to a marathon or anything. Oh boy, was that a mistake.

So I spent the weekend at home. writhing in pain. Did I say pain? That just sounded so mild. It's more like there is a barbed wire from my thigh to my knee which is made of pure acid and every time I move my leg there would be a jolly bolt of lightning running thru the barbed wire. It feels worse when I try to straighten the leg. The pain actually throbs every second and with each throb it just intensifies.

Ok so I exaggerate. Sadly...it's just a slight exaggeration. I remember my mom the torturer asking me to straighten my leg for almost 2 minutes coz she said I have to overcome the pain or something while she does her thingy...so evil...EVIL!

Painkillers? pffft. Who needs em.

Rest of the week went by pretty fast. Painfully fast. Painfully. Get it?

Monday - went to work to try to settle some outstanding items. Oh there is a Raya function. Free food!...that requires me to queue up in line to get food. 1st attempt...gave up after 20 secs. line moved...1 meter. Ok i go sit down. 2nd attempt, gave up after 15 secs. line moved...oh hell it didn't move. Went back to my seat. sat down for half an hour and thankfully there is no line! No food either...other than some laksa. Oh well, something at least.

Tuesday - Couldn't sleep much. No appetite as well. Was hungry around 11am though. Only milk and watermelon in the fridge. Called McD.OK they don't deliver to my place. Called PizzaHut...aaand their bloody phone number didn't work. Oh wait, can always order PizzaHut by their website right?! I WISH! Bloody phone line suddenly died. It was working fine and dandy when I used it around 11ish too...So called TM. Reported phone line. Drank milk. Ate watermelon. Line up by 4pm. Pizza by 5...

Wednesday - went for checkup at the hospital. my first MRI experience! hopefully it's not gonna be a frequent thing. Confirmed got a prolapsed disc. Scheduled for ward entry on Friday. Went back to KL. Had dinner with Ngah. OH HAY BLOODY NICE...all 4 lifts on my block died due to lightning strike. Limped my way up 9 storeys. Good thing I felt a bit better that day or I woulda curl up and whimper every other storey. Oh hay, finally able to pray like normal again.

Thursday - Felt almost cured when I woke up. Decided I wanted nasi lemak for breakfast. Lift still down tho. Oh who cares, I'm cured! Made it to the nasi lemak place beside the swimming pool just in time before it became unbearable. Cured? Yeah right. Oh remember that the lift would still down after I got my nasi lemak. I am so wise at times, I just amaze myself. Went out to pick up Rio. RM3000 bill...Oi Hana, len kali jage kete ok?

And tomorrow I get to get admitted to the hospital! They gonna do this thing called lumbar traction...which is basically modern day equivalent of The Rack. Oh yay...fun...yes?

posted by Elman @ 6:49 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I feel like an old old man...
I hurt my back. Nothing major...just a bloody prolapsed disc! ok, it is something that might require surgery if it is really bad (which I hope I won't need). so I guess it is a bit major. Just a bit.

I've no idea how I got it specifically, I actually stopped going to the gym for a break since 2 weeks before puasa until now. I've had a slight discomfort on my left leg causing me to have no power though. That started after a company function where I joined the tug-of-war games that they did. I think that, and combine that with the extra heavy load that I tried for deadlift earlier that week might have been the cause of it. Or something.

So for close to 8 weeks, I walked around with some discomfort on my left leg, which is quite negligible since I am used to having some pain on my body constantly. The pain and the weakness on the leg was actually starting to go away around after Raya, so I actually thought it was getting better. Even so I was planning on getting some massage on the leg a week or two after Raya.

Unfortunately, last Thursday nite, while I was making some veggies, I almost fell down coz I felt a sharp pain suddenly on my left leg starting from the hip join down to just under the knee. Whenever I stand up longer than 10 secs after that it felt like someone was hitting the point just under my knee with a baseball bat repeatedly. Well the other parts between the hipjoint and the knee joint felt pain as well I suppose, they sure didn't wanna be left out, but it's not so bad.

That night I couldn't sleep of course. Try feeling like you're getting bashed up badly everytime you accidentally straightened your legs while sleeping. Not really a good way to wake up. So after 3am I couldn't sleep, so I just watched some series (can't play games, sitting upright hurts as well) til 6am, then I prayed and straight away drove to my dad's hospital.

I got checked up. Just x-rays and normal body checks. Oh hay, it was the most painful x-ray that I've ever done. The doctor actually told me to straighten my legs and touch the toes together... uhmmm yea, that x-ray session sucked.

Brb I'll continue the rest later.
posted by Elman @ 3:20 PM   3 comments

About Me
Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
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