Friday, December 29, 2006 |
Six of '06 |
Well, 2006 is coming to end now, guess i'll just put up a list of my sixes for 06
Six Best Moments
- Graduating
- Aimi continuing her studies (sedih jugak tho huhu)
- Nayya sampai! :D
- Baby cats sampai!
- My dad being able to drive by himself. Was a big milestone for his improvement.
- -undisclosed til further notice-
Six Worst Moments
- A week after raya
- Aimi's room got burgled
- My depression period
- Aimi got into an accident (what a worrisome adik huhu)
- Internet connection to asia is crappy now..(on the day after I got my streamyx too)
- My uncle died :(
Six Best Reads
- Bonehunters by Steven Erikson
- Forest Mage by Robin Hobb
- A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin
- Straken By Terry Brooks
- Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
- Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan
Six Best Series
- 24 (all time fave)
- Lost
- House MD
- Desperate Housewives
- Grey's Anatomy
Six Best Movies
- Happy Feet
- Casino Royale
- The Departed
- The Prestige
- Inside Man
- Cars
Six Best Games
- Neverwinter Nights 2
- Final Fantasy XII
- World of Warcraft
- Tales of the Abyss
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Disgaea 2
Six Fave People (outside family) Six Biggest Fears
- Humans (statistically, how many people die from humans compared to ghost and stuff?)
- Heights
- Cockroaches (more like geli actually)
- Failing
- Death or accidents of people I care for
- Losing what small bit of iman I have and falling into the world of hedonism
Six Biggest Traits
- Punctual
- Realistic (or pessimist if you like..)
- Worry wort
- Cocky
- Laid-back
- Calm
Six Fave Pastimes
- Reading
- Gaming
- Watching shows
- Sleeping
- Watching Movies
- Chilling out
Six Things that Annoy Me
- Queue Cutters!
- Rude people
- Traffic jams during the rain
- Slow internet connection
- smelly people
- having a cold
posted by Elman @ 10:53 AM |
Thursday, December 21, 2006 |
wave and don't look back |
It's such a bother sometimes having a monitor that's heavier than most 10 year olds. I now have a funny looking table because of that. When I assembled my table it was a pretty slick looking thing with a black top and silver legs. I only put a 17 inch monitor on top of it at first tho, since I didnt have the cables for my 22inch monitor yet. After a week plus, even though I was only using a 17 inch monitor, the table has started to sag in the middle. So much for the supposedly 50kg limit on the table. Anyways, I figure if I wanted to put the 22 inch on it, I have to do modify the table first. So I bought two more legs to put in the middle part of the table. After I put those in, I placed my 22 inch on top. Not the weight of the table is resting on the front two legs and middle part only, since the table has sagged in the middle so the back legs are about 2cms above the floor. I placed some of my dumbell weights on the back corners on the table afterwards. Now the back legs are almost touching the floor. The table is almost wavy looking now.
oh and my lil sis forced me to put this. it's totally wrong and has no basis on reality, FYI.
posted by Elman @ 10:56 AM |
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 |
clarity |
To those who think that I got into depression because of girl problems, think again. I've only been heartbroken once and it lasted for like 2 days. Only thing that would make me depressed for up to 3 weeks is the depravation of life essentials, for me it was social contact and the internet plus my boring work didn't help much.
I'm not a funny guy, but I do funny stuff or funny things happen to me. Last saturday, I was chilling at home, thinking at long last I'd finally be able to spend a whole day of the weekend just sitting at home doing all the nothings I like to do when one of my school buddies call me. Some of these guys I havent seen in like 6 years, so when they said to come over and have drinks I just dropped everything and go la. Out of all the placecs to meet they picked OU. Can't they pick a spot that's not the worst place to drive through on weekends? It was only after I've arrived there did I realize that I didn't bring my wallet. It's the first time since high school that I done that. So here I am, chilling in the biggest shopping mall in malaysia with no ID and cash. Funny huh in a "hi-i-have-only-45cents-to-my-name-and-no-ID" sorta way. I guess a normal person would just go back afterwards and pick up their ID befoore going out. Not me tho, I went to my best bud's place and we went for drinks with my uni buddies later that nite. Still with no cash on me. Didn't help that there were road blocks on almost every road that I have to go through :P
I still have my poker face :P I went to a bud's place after drinks to copy some shows and we talked a bit. Conversation went sorta like this.
Bud : So adik ko balik dari India bile? (his bro is studying there too) Me : Sometime in Januari la camtu. Duk umah je kot nanti Bud : Bawak kete la? nak beli kete baru ke? me : nope, aku menang kete minggu depan, nanti aku kasik die la. Bud(with an incredulous face) : menang kete? menang kete dari mane? Me : aku ada masuk contest, minggu depan ni dapat la kete Bud(still unbelieving) : serious? ko masuk contest apa? Me : ada la lam paper aku masuk, senang je. kumpul2 anta. Bud : oh, ok. ko kasik kete ko and bawak kete baru tu la? me : no lah, kete aku menang tu sutera auto. kasik adik aku jela...
He still sorta doesn't believe me due to the fact that my best bud was sitting beside me and trying not to laugh. but it was close tho. I've managed to pull bigger and unbelievable bluffs before. Poker face for teh win :P |
posted by Elman @ 9:28 AM |
Friday, December 15, 2006 |
Cool beans |
I thought I've lost my cool. Even my best bud asked me last week "dude, why r u so emo lately". He thought it's coz I was angau or something I suppose. I have been so upset and frustrated lately. I talk too much and can't even hold good conversations. All I wanted to do was talk, I didn't wanna listen. Who the hell likes talking to a guy who talks non-stop? I even message my best bud every hour sometimes about pretty much nothing at all. I bugged people I barely know even just so I had someone to talk to. Way to make new friends that way huh.
Well, up until yesterday, I was depressed. I only realized I was til I snapped out of it. On wednesday when I got in the car and listened to one of my fave Peterpan songs "bintang di surga", I almost cried. But on Thursday, listening to that song made me smile. I've had bouts of depression before in UTM, but it only lasted like a couple of days at most. This ran on for like 3 weeks and only after being myself again did I notice it. Explains the boring blog entires about pretty much nothing at all lately :P Guess I just didn't wanna admit that I was depressed. I'm ok now, streamyx prolly coming in the next few days and it's also the weekend so I prolly wouldn't relapse. I got my cool back. |
posted by Elman @ 7:51 PM |
Thursday, December 14, 2006 |
end bit |
I've seen all sorts of couple coming from my generation. My best bud is the type who can not live without messaging his gf every hour, it's been like that coming on 2 years now. I know this guy who waited for 4 years for a girl to accept him only to see her get posted in Sabah 3 months afterwards. She got married less than 2 months ago. The bloke is still heartbroken. There's a friend of mine whose gf is in johor and he spends his time here in KL womanizing. One of my gal pals broke up with her bf of 6 years only to fall for a guy who used to take secret videos and pictures of her and make movies out of them. I'll never understand what's so endearing about stalkers. One of my buds' gf is 3 years younger than him and is very social. The guy has no confidence at all in the relationship even thought theyre both crazy for each other.
I talk too much sometimes. When I'm nervous, I talk. When I'm upset, I talk. When I'm bored, it means I have no one to talk to. When I'm comfortable tho, I don't talk much. When I'm happy, I don't talk much also, I grin. |
posted by Elman @ 2:28 PM |
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 |
I'm aching all over my body |
On sunday I went to Ikea to buy a desk to put my bulky monitor and also a rack to set up the speakers so I can put 2 of em behind me. Best part was while lugging a desk and rack I was also getting drenched by the pouring rain. Fun fun. Spent the night assembling the stuff till I got blisters on my palms. Had to stop installing the stuff partway tho since someone from downstairs was yelling at me to stop pounding the nails into the walls. It was only 930 tho :P All I can say is I pity the guy when my speaker is all set up and running again.... especially when the new season of 24 comes out next month. O yeah, poor guy.
Monday was a tiring day as well. I went to Bandaraya to register myself at the kwsp place. I havent been in that area since I was in primary school. Only thing I knew was it was near Sogo. I called up my best bud to ask the way... following his instructions had me going the opposite direction along the wrong road. Good thing I asked another friend and she gave me simple instructions that woulda saved me half an hour of my time if I asked her first :P nothing like a jolly walk under the scorching sun in the middle of the day on a holiday eh? I got drenched again afterwards tho.
posted by Elman @ 11:11 AM |
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 |
I want internet! |
I havent turned on my home PC in 3 weeks. I think this is the longest time I haven't bothered to turn on my PC since 2000. As one of buds said, my PC is like my out of body organ. When I'm up, it's up. Actually, even I'm asleep it's usually up.
Last weekend I used up another tank of gas, again. Went to Bandar Sri Damansara on Sat morning, was planning on heading out to Selayang after that, but turns out my aunt was in Perak haha. Guess I shoulda checked out before heading out. Since I was there already, I went to my best bud's house to hang around til lunch. Then I managed to drag him all the way to midvalley. Spent the whole evening there just window shopping. So many good shirts, all of them dark coloured. I need more light ones for work but only the dark ones catches my eye huhu.
I managed to call about 9 of my buds for yamcha that nite. Just coz I was bored and didn't wanna spend a sat nite alone :P So I ended up the day dead tired, went out of the house at 9am and coming back around 3ish. To think that usually I'm the hardest guy to ask out when I'm at home. No internet is making me weird. On a good note, I got a call yesterday from some TM guy telling me my new home phone number. At least there is light at the end of the tunnel. |
posted by Elman @ 10:21 AM |
About Me |
Name:Elman J
Home: Malaysia
About Me: Too many faults to list, too many problems to solve. I myself am an on-going project and it is a project that I intend to succeed at.
See my complete profile
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